The cure for all diseases – Healing is possible


One of the best ways to take charge of one’s own health is to be informed about a wide variety of practices and theories on the formation and treatment of disease. Being informed allows you to make the best health care decisions for you and your family.

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A new diagnostic device….

With an audio oscillator circuit and a trained ear, you can detect parasites and pollutants in a way no one has ever done before, electronically.

New discoveries….

In all cases of the “mysterious” disease of diabetes, the not so mysterious parasite Eurytrema is found. Parasites are present in all diseases! And never in healthy people! Similarly, in cancer, HIV, Alzheimer’s disease, endometriosis, to name a few, you may find specific parasites and/or pollutants at work.

And new remedies….

You don’t need dangerous and expensive medication to get rid of the cause of your disease. Once you know what you’re fighting, you can choose herbal or electronic methods.

It took an independent scientific researcher to find the answers. Dr. Clark is an independent research scientist. She holds a Master of Arts degree with great distinction from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. She then studied for two years at McGill University before obtaining her PhD in Physiology in 1958 at the University of Minnesota.

In 1979, she left government-funded research to go into private consulting full time. Eleven years later, she noticed clues as to the cause of cancer. Today, Dr. Clark presents her latest findings, her advice for curing cancer, her results and her methods. Read and recuperate.

The zappers of Dr clark



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