The mother tincture of blackberry


Blackberry regulates blood sugar levels and helps fight respiratory diseases.

Balances the physiological sugars
Contributes to the prevention of diabetes
Preserves the health of the respiratory system

Directions for use : For adults 5 to 10 drops, 3 times a day, in a big glass of water.

For the children 2 to 5 drops, 1 to 2 times per day, in a fruit juice.

Packaging : 60 ml bottle with dropper.

Do you have diabetes? Do you cough very often? You have abnormalities in the respiratory system? What you need is an organic preparation based on a medicinal plant that will help you avoid complications of these diseases and regain health and well-being.

The black mulberry mother tincture

A macerate composed of alcohol, water, glycerin and embryonic parts of black mulberry buds which is a medicinal plant well known for its numerous health benefits. It is particularly recommended to fight viral attacks that can affect the respiratory system as well as to relieve the symptoms of diabetes and avoid its complications.

Benefits of the black mulberry mother tincture

This preparation preserves perfectly all the benefits of black mulberry on the health and well-being of the body.

  • Contributes in the prevention of diabetes and helps to avoid its complications by regulating the synthesis of blood sugar in the blood.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, it helps to fight infections and viral attacks.
  • Promotes the oxygenation of the tissues of the respiratory system and prevents as well as soothes the symptoms of pulmonary pathologies such as bronchitis.
  • Helps to strengthen as well as regenerate the bone system, making it ideal for relieving osteoarthritis as well as healing from fractures.
  • Helps relieve menopausal symptoms and contributes to the prevention of uterine fibroids.
  • An effective natural remedy for coughs that can be induced by viral angina.
    Has a beneficial effect on digestive function, especially in cases of diarrhea.

How to use the black mulberry mother tincture ?

For adults, dilute 5 to 10 drops of this macerate in a glass of water and take this preparation 3 times a day for 21 days. This treatment is mild and diluted, you can use it for children in half a dose in a fruit juice.