A new generation of Hulda Clark Synchrometer
Dr. Hulda Clark developed the synchrometer as a means of quickly and accurately detecting various substances in the human body. The synchrometer works on the principle of adapting resonance frequencies within the body. Everything in the universe vibrates at a particular frequency (usually multiple frequencies or a range of frequencies) that can be used to identify a particular substance and, in the case of a biological organism, to kill or devitalize it. This is the basic theory that describes the field of energetic medicine.

Based on her research into the causes of human disease, Dr. Clark believes that all diseases are caused by only two things: parasites and toxins. If you eliminate one or both in the human body (or animals too), the disease can be eliminated.
The synchrometer gives you the opportunity to test for the presence of almost any substance in the human body, as well as in the food and cosmetics we use every day. There is much more to test than you can imagine.
How does the synchrometer work?
The electrical circuit of the synchrometer consists of three parts:
- the audio oscillator (synchrometer),
- the test plate device,
- you.
Clark’s got two “test plates.” These are small platforms on which you can place objects. If you place a small bottle of flu virus on a plate, that bottle will resonate at a certain frequency. Let’s say Dr. Clark wants to know if you have the flu virus in your body. All she has to do is put a glass bottle, from a lab supplier, containing the flu virus on the test plate. Since the sample emits its own resonant frequency, that frequency is now part of the circuit. (More advanced machines such as the F-Scan II and QXCI are able to use a computer interface to give you a reading if compounds are present in your body without having the actual substance available. All information about individual frequencies is stored in software on a PC).
With the synchrometer, all Dr. Clark (or any synchrometer operator) has to do is listen to see if there is a resonance sound generated by the audio oscillator. If there is, then the virus being tested is present. If there is no resonance, it is most likely that it is not – or that it exists in very, very small amounts. The synchrometer, like many of its counterparts, detects where in the body the compound being tested is concentrated. By placing samples (in glass containers) of various organs, tissues, etc. on the test plates, one at a time. This action adjusts the resonance wave. If it is now emitting an audio oscillation, it is at this point.
What’s the synchrometer for ?
You can detect entities in your body, taken as a whole. For example, mercury, aflatoxin, Streptococcus pneumonia, Epstein Barre virus, orthophosphotyrosine, benzene. Such a test is not as sensitive as the organ test, described below, but for this reason allows you to select the entities that are most abundant in the body and therefore of particular importance. Called by Dr. Clark, “whole body test”.
You can identify the organs that contain a particular entity. For example, mercury can be found in the kidneys, streptococci in the joints, etc. This allows you to undertake a targeted cleansing program for your body, such as improving the kidneys or liver, etc. The Synchrometer allows you to track your progress with any health improvement program.
You can identify and analyze a particular skin site and what lies directly beneath it, for example, what happens inside and under a mole, blemish, painful spot, swelling or discoloration.
You can look in a saliva sample for entities of a particular organ of the donor. Even the above refinements can be applied to saliva analysis.
You can detect entities in products. For example, lead in your home water, thulium in osmosis water, asbestos in your sugar.
The search for entities can be taken to the subcellular level. For example, heavy metals in microcosms, lanthanides in lysosomes, ferritin on the cell surface and DNA in the nucleus. Viruses can be detected in chromosomes, especially in latent form. This makes it possible to monitor the presence of the virus after experimenting with different types of antiviral treatments.
Synchrometer Summary
The synchrometer is an energy medicine device capable of detecting various compounds ranging from viruses to heavy metals in the body. It is an inexpensive device with diagnostic capabilities. If we are to believe that the synchrometer is a very effective tool, then devices such as the QXCI are highly developed (and very expensive) versions of this Hulda Clark device. While the synchrometer helps practitioners identify possible therapeutic treatments, it does not provide therapeutic options for the practitioner.
Please note that the Synchrometer is not an easy device to operate. It takes a lot of time and effort, and a real desire to succeed, before you are truly comfortable with it. Normally, I discourage my customers from buying a synchrometer because most people just can’t get used to it. It’s not impossible to learn, but it’s very difficult.